Technically, the whole system hangs on how you start.  So you can’t just give up!  You must persevere and have a plan, that’s what we are here for!  You can back yourself up with reliable income streams such as paid surveys.  If you want to get down to business and start making money right now we could point you in the direction of paid surveys and before you know it you could have $300 in your mail box within a week.  This is so simple a toddler can do it; we just regard you all as more capable than toddlers!  We will give you access to hundreds of paid surveys companies so that if all else fails you have something to fall back on!  If something doesn’t work you can also always look to the future.  Know that there are other income streams and fish to fry out there!  If you start wrong you could end up spending a ton of cash out of your pocket and ruining your opinion of the internet.  This reminds us of one of our students who purchased a Point of Sale terminal before making any sales!  Keep it small, don’t dream with your head in the clouds, follow a proven action plan to success.
The Start is also here to familiarize you with the process of making money online.  The attitude you have to take is that it is all out there.  You need to understand that to make your internet empire tall; you will have to have a routine.  A daily grind that will slowly bring you income.  This won’t take up the whole work week and it won’t require an I.Q of 140.  Just please, don’t become addicted to it!  The idea here is to start you on a path that is about quality of life.  You need to start by envisioning your better life!  You want to see how True Cash evolved?  Check out True Cash Travel and see how you too can evolve.

The Start also requires to you think out of the box, not just to where am I going but what am I good at?  You need to start by racking your brains and seeing if you could add anything profoundly unique to the internet.  If you are a hobby gardener, perhaps you could make a site all about gardening!  If you don’t envision it they won’t come.  Rome was not built in a day.  So, remember to stay inspired.  We can give you the tools to market effectively, but you need to see what works for you. 

Also, to Start many of you will need marketing and sales training as you haven’t got an MBA or the equivalent.  Not to worry, even novices can suffice with a phone script.  Also note, you may not even have to talk to people if that’s not your thing; it is just that some MLM programs will require human contact.  Other streams of income may not!  You can start small and learn from the others in country.

Additionally, to Start you have to confront you fears.  There is the tiniest expectation that you will get fired online.  You may be fried by Google who banned one of our students from using PPC.  If you don’t move you don’t eat and remember there is a safety net!  You can always contact us if you are afraid of something or have an idea you need some sort of help with. 
The Start
Getting Down To Business
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This is The Start page and will help levy out how to live the dream.  To Start one must look at The System in its entirety.  You must come to understand where these income streams will lead you.  They will lead you to a better life.  The Key to The Start Page is part of our Special Report, it is the $134 Dollars To Internet Profits Manifesto.  You see, to begin online we want you to actually spend as little as possible!  By rolling over the fats of your profits and focusing your spending intelligently, you can get off the ground and Start with as little as $134 dollars from the bank.  You should know this from The Start!  The Start is about simplicity, vision and dedicated action.  The Start will be looked back upon fondly one day when you said this is a good idea!  The Start will have you gain understanding and thus commitment in the online world.  The Start will result in a change.  So hang on with us as we go for a ride!  
Know thy Enemy -- Knowledge is power
The Ultimate Home Based Business system Designed to increase your income, Created to allow any one success, Engineered to work, Offered to you free of charge, and Allowing you to generate multiple streams of Income Online!

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Know thy Enemy
The only real enemy is yourself and your own laziness, no big bad
Corporation will shut you out on the internet.  Only you will.  You success depends on your will, and that’s what amazing about it, you can build whatever you want.  Our marketing will get them to come.  If you can get over any fears or laziness you can accomplish
and create anything online.

We will help you every step of the way.  Ignorance is also the enemy, we will get you the knowledge and drive to take a plan of action to fruition.
You have to know and understand your potential and that of the internet.
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